Archive for July, 2010


“We’ll Live on Coffee and Flowers”

Does anyone else think that Newbury Comics is an insane store?

I love going in there, looking at the CD’s and vinyl’s and seeing bands I recognize.

It pretty much validates my existence as a person.

In other news, I can’t get Inception out of my head. Mostly because I’ve been having weird dreams lately where it seems like I’m actually in control. And it freaks me out.

Like, the other night, I was talking to someone in my dream and another person left and came back, but I didn’t remember who it was. And I was like, “who are you?” and they said “I don’t know.” Then I said, “wait! I remember! It’s you, *real friend’s name*.” Then BAM, MY DREAM PERSON TURNED INTO MY FRIEND. I remember it clear as day and I don’t know why. And last night, I was having a dream where a stranger was hitting on me and being the good guy in the supposed “plot” of my dream. (hint: it was like a cross between Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Jar City.) And I thought to myself “oh, it’s the hero and they’re cocky and flirty. Obviously they’re gonna kiss me then leave.” And then BAM! It happened!!!

It’s starting to freak me out.

Anyways, Newbury Comics has amazing things and I found a new band to love there: The National.


The Nationial – Conversation 16


All Caps – Don’t Unplug Me


Edith Piaf – Non, je ne regrette rien (hahahahaha. ya know?)


Sigur Rós – Hoppípolla



“This can’t last. This misery can’t last. I must remember that and try to control myself. Nothing lasts really. Neither happiness nor despair. Not even life lasts very long. There’ll come a time in the future when I shan’t mind about this anymore, when I can look back and say quite peacefully and cheerfully how silly I was. No, no, I don’t want that time to come ever. I want to remember every minute, always, always to the end of my days.”

-Brief Encounters


“Tell Me All of Your Doubts”

Saw Inception today again. If people have been talking about it like crazy on facebook, and you roll your eyes, don’t. That movie is pretty much as good as everyone says. Confusing, hells yeah. But…damn. Just damn.

So maybe you’re wondering after all this time we’ve had together what the inner workings of my mind are. “What’s your top 25 most played?” you ask me. Today, I bring you the answer. This list is legit. I’m sure you’ll recognize some of them too…

My top 25 most played

1. 2119 plays: Main Title: Nemo Egg – Thomas Newman

2. 1192 plays: Maestro – Hans Zimmer

3. 1133 plays: The GSR Score – John M. Keane

4. 902 plays: Neville’s Waltz – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Soundtrack

5. 890 plays: Breathe In Breathe Out – Mat Kearney

6. 872 plays: Fix You – Coldplay

7. 770 plays: Asteroids – The Real Tuesday Weld

8. 732 plays: The Wardrobe – Harry Gregson-Williams

9. 682 plays: Storms in Africa – Enya

10. 647 plays: A Bad Dream – Keane

11. 646 plays: It Only Takes a Moment – Michael Crawford

12. 641 plays: Shadow – The Southland

13. 639 plays: Ain’t No Reason – Brett Dennen

14. 630 plays: The Call – Regina Spektor

15. 609 plays: Caribbean Blue – Enya

16. 566 plays: Falling in Love a a Coffee Shop – Landon Pigg

17. 543 plays: Africa – Toto

18. 542 plays: Swallowed In the Sea – Coldplay

19. 520 plays: Indian Ink – Chequerboard

20. 515 plays: Is This the End – Zee Avi

21. 504 plays: Overkill (Acoustic) – Colin Hay

22. 501 plays: Stolen – Dashboard Confessional

23. 498 plays: Sparks – Coldplay

24. 478 plays: Sideways – Citizen Cope

25. 470 plays: The Dance ‘Round the Memory Tree – Oren Lavie

What does this tell you? It tells you I’m partial to Coldplay. It probably tells you I like instrumentals and soundtracks. I like songs for when I’m sad mostly, but I like songs with love and that’s ironic, seeing as I think love is a myth.

But mostly it tells you that the last thing I do before I go to bed is I put on my music. And it’s the only thing that puts me to sleep. So long as it’s not Sum 41.

A song that will soon migrate to my top 25 most played:

Hans Zimmer – Time


Now, I need to go to bed. Mostly because it’s been a long…long night for me. Let’s just say I need some quality time with “A Bad Dream” and “Breathe In Breathe Out.” Also I’ll spend some time on this thing I’ve been writing. I don’t know what it is, because I can only write it when I’m overtired. I guess it’s a story, but it’s a shit story. And you can guess I’m only sharing this with you because – that’s right – I’m overtired.

…Inception kicked ass.


“What’s the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it.”



“I’ve Lost All Feeling”

Shmowzow. Bam, a new post. Did I catch you out of the blew? Whoop-de-doop.

I guess I owe you guys some music or something. But first, may I complain about how my Photoshop CS3 shut down? Now all it tells me is that my trial period is over. Do you know how I reply? With a “SCREW YOU PHOTOSHOP WARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.” It really pisses me off a lot, though. Here I am, with a camera and plenty of ugly-looking sims 3 pictures and the basic version of Photoshop. Do you know what my parents have? My mom has CS4 and my dad has CS5. What do they use it for? Pretty much nothing. If anything, they use it to alter pictures that aren’t theirs. Do you guys know what I can do on Photoshop? How about this:

I DID THAT. ME. FROM SCRATCH. Whenever my parents DO decide to use their Photoshops, they yell up the stairs for me half the time, to show them how to do something. And now my mother is giving away her extra copy of Photoshop CS4 to some lady whose only method of fixing a computer is “reboot”.

what the what?

HELLO? There is no other person who could conceivably use such a fine product? Anyways, all I’m trying to say is if you wanna see anything else by me, it’s here. But I haven’t updated in a while, so some of my best stuff is missing.


3OH!3 – Double Vision

This song isn’t popular yet, so I’d jump on the train now.


Michael Franti & Spearhead – Say Hey (I Love You)


Death Cab for Cutie – Pity & Fear


Coldplay – Don Quixote


Hold Your Horses! – 70 Million




Don’t Read This

It’s just me unwinding. Like confessions of a blogoholic. Well today I’d like to talk to you about my town. More specifically, the fact that there are 49 black people in it. That’s right – 49 black people. As a city slicker, you’re probably wondering “why aren’t there more African Americans in your area?” But that’s not what a country kid like me is wondering. I’m wondering “where did they all come from?” This probably deserves some explanation, so let me take the time to do just that: explain.

First off, my town is redneck, but it isn’t. I mean, there are two farms and the town hall and police station are the same building; that’s dangerous. Most of my town is just farm land and a house here or there. But you aren’t gonna find any big houses, or even modern ones. Sure, they were modern…in the 80‘s. If you saw the decorations and patterns inside some of the houses, you’d understand. And the inhabitants of these houses are either farmers or soccer moms. Most often, it’s soccer moms. I don’t really know why it’s always soccer moms. I’m more curious to know where they come from than the back people. So yeah, you’re basically either tending the farm or you’re watching a soccer/baseball game in these parts. Me, I try my hardest to avoid both but…it’s hard. If you need more visual of how rural this town is, the most “ghetto” part of it is a 7/11 where there’s some graffiti…on the back of the building. I’ve seen all of two black people in my town. It’s like the rest of them are hiding…. I wanna find them, but I don’t. Shouting “I’VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU BLACK PEOPLE FOR DAYS!” just seems kinda odd even for me. So yeah, there’s the thing about how they don’t seem to fit into my town. I’m not discriminating or being racist here, I’m just saying that black people being farmers gives off a vibe of slavery, and going to an athletic event where a black kid is playing is like seeing Santa dead on the ground and still expecting presents. I don’t wanna stereotype or anything about black people being good at sports, but don’t lie to me and tell me that when you see an African American kid on the opposing team, your heart doesn’t sink a little. If the back kid is bad at a sport, it’s just not his sport.

Next is the weather. I can tell you for a fact that some guy will not come into town and expect to become an African American due to the sun’s rays. Way up here, you can’t even get a porcupine tan (country joke, you wouldn’t get it.) That’s one of the ways to spot a rich kid in these parts. Are they really tan? Rich. Ta-da. Because up here that means they either went to a tanning booth or vacationed in the Caribbean. The end. There are no exceptions, save for the 49 African Americans in this town. To put it simply, if some girl is tan (because guys don’t really care,) you can bet your ass her mommy and daddy went drilling for diamonds and found oil. Here, I am stereotyping in that any rich people up here are probably dumb. I don’t really care if you find that wrong because I have seen little evidence to convince me otherwise.

Lastly is statistics. I guess statistically speaking, even with our very small population we were bound to end up with some people that weren’t pasty white.

So anyways, my point is don’t blog on an empty stomach. And don’t live here because the moms aren’t hot and neither is the weather. What’s weird is that whenever I toss that little nugget of information to someone I’m trying to impress with my statistic skills, it doesn’t seem to impress them! I don’t understand. What do I have to do?

There’s a black man for president, y’all. Racism is dead.



Hello. How are you? Amazing. So I’m typing this at about one while sipping – you guessed it – lemonade. I wanted to share something with you: I have work again tomorrow.


I’m still very tired and I get to spend all of my Sunday cleaning. Oh well, at least I get to make coffee for people on Monday. Yess.

Anyways, I wanted to share two stories with you because that’s easier than finding music at this hour, an hour in which I am texting my friend telling him how much I enjoy goggles and hoods that are far too big to wear.

Story one:

My kayak was stolen. Yeah, my kayak. Some bastards took her and are probably raping her as I type. So my mom called the police. The funny thing about that is I live in a rural area. Isn’t that a hoot? No, so seriously though, they put like an APB out on it. I mean I don’t actually know if they did, but I think it was the highlight of their week. I think the police office went something like this:

police officer #1: Oh my gawd! Someone’s kayak has been stolen! They are currently being robbed of precious time on their faithful and loving kayak! WE MUST ACT.

police officer #2: You are so very right! TO THE ONLY PATROL CAR WE OWN!

police officer #3: WAIT. We can’t!

police officer #1: Why not?

police officer #3: …donuts.

all: Praise the donuts!!!

I also find it funny my mom thought this required police assistance. Like it was stolen by a dangerous ax murderer to store his axes while he vacations on Ax Island. But, whatever. If it doesn’t show up soon, I’m gonna make an “In Memoriam” picture and toast to the good times we had.

Story two:

Tonight, I watched a delightful movie called Fargo. It stars William H. Macy and, to an extent, Steve Buscemi. It’s a wonderful little tale about a man who hires two goons to fake kidnapping his wife because his wife’s dad is rich and the husband needs money. It was rated R. I hope you realize now that I was being sarcastic. I watched a man get a bullet through his face. And yet, oddly enough, I liked it. At least, more so than I liked Burn After Reading which was directed by the same people. You guys saw previews for that in 2008, right? And it looked at least a little humorous, right? Wrong. Oh my god, so wrong. I was told it was a comedy but by the time that was over, I looked like something like this:

that movie did not tickle my giggle bone

NEWSFLASH: Brad Pitt dies. Yes, the comic relief in the movie gets SHOT IN THE FACE. Just like that. And I was literally staring at the screen with my mouth open wondering aloud, “wtf just happened?” For the rest of the scene while George Clooney flipped a shit, I was just saying to myself, “Oh. I get it. There was someone in front of Brad in the closet. Okay, he’s not actually dead. Haha. It’s okay.”  But then George dumped his body and apparently cleaned up the scene.

Now I’m not a softie, okay? I watched The Hills Have Eyes at 12. Yeah, it scarred me for life but I did it. I can take the gore of someone being shot in the face by a shot gun, or thrown into a wood chipper, or maybe even burned at the stake. I’ve seen all of the things I just mentioned…portrayed in movies. But I still almost cursed aloud at that scene. Oh yeah, and then later? Some dude gets axed in the street. And no – they don’t just show the ax getting raised and then falling down, that’s wrong. They show the guy taking an ax to the head. So I hated it. Note to aspiring movie writers: don’t kill the comic relief, BITCH.

So yeah though, Fargo was good. Mostly because of this lady in it named Frances. Since it all takes place in one of the Dakotas, they all have sort of overplayed Canadian accents and it’s awesome. Like The Usual Suspects except it’s like there’s more dead bodies in Fargo because you watch all of them die. I mean, in The Usual Suspects, a lot of henchmen die. I’m not ruining anything for you by saying that, everyone knows that henchmen are more dispensable than Pez. (do you guys remember Pez? : D) But in Fargo, something like five people die. But you’re like “whoa! The bodies are totally stacking up!” even though they literally aren’t. (because they’re little wood chips) If you do decide to watch it, there’s no need to cover your eyes, waiting for someone to pull out a gun and shoot everybody. It seems like the blond guy is gonna do it all the time and…well, he kinda does. BUT he always pulls his gun at predictable moments, so no worries.

Lastly, it had kick-ass cinematography.

is that you, santa?


Marge Gunderson: Say, Lou, didya hear the one about the guy who couldn’t afford personalized plates, so he went and changed his name to J3L2404?
Lou: Yah, that’s a good one.



“The Heart of Life is Good”

Somehow, I’m managing a post after the stuff I did last night.

I did some serious stuff. I don’t think I can say it was serious “shit,” because no movie producer asked me if he could make a movie out of it starring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera. But it was serious stuff. Which is pretty legitimate. Here’s what I did:

  • got in a stranger’s car
  • moved a plow back to its original place
  • got candy and a strawberry tropicana coolata (surprisingly good)
  • ate said candy for dinner
  • yelled at a stranger for an hour
  • rollerbladed around a golf course
  • hid from cops
  • found night golfers – golf courses are incredibly busy at midnight
  • went night swimming
  • watched Young Frankenstein
  • passed out
  • lied about all of it to authoritative figures

Preeeetty serious stuff. Then I flipped off a bunch of twelve-year-olds and called it a day.

Also, found this:

“Twilight’s like soccer: They run around for 2 hours, nobody scores, and a billion fans insist that you just don’t understand.”

Ordering out for dinner again tonight because there’s some storms or whatever around these parts so my dad won’t be grilling the steak. And the sky is orange/yellow because the sun is setting behind the clouds so everyone will flip out about it on facebook because they think the sky is jaundiced.

And I’m a cynic for hating people?

Your Music

John Mayer – The Heart of Life


Between the Trees – White Lines & Red Lights


Say Anything – Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too


OneRepublic – Too Easy


Jesse Harris – The Secret Sun (THE song of Summer)


Tim Easton – Next to You


And alas, work tomorrow. I like busy summers but I really, really don’t. Also I’m working on a Tasteless Music special because something annoyed me today and flung me into a spiral of wanted improvements. Now I must tell you how I think people can improve something. Later, though. I have work.

what I fall asleep to


“Trust none but the lazy!”



Weird Faces.

I will be quite busy tomorrow, and tonight I took the time I usually take to look for songs, looking at weird faces. Here’s what I’ve found.

Spongebob Squarepants – DEUUEAUGH

Flapjack – Creepy Old Man

Spongebob Squarepants – Squidward Falling

Adventure Time – Ocean of Fear

Flapjack – Candy

Spongebob Squarepants – ….


“She’s Gonna Teach Me How to Swim”

So, apparently some kid built this Zelda palace in the sims. Have you see this? Have you heard about this? It’s….it’s….take a look.



Would any of you out there have time for this? You have time to read my long blog posts but that is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. There are no Zelda references except for right now! I’ve never even played Zelda. But still, this is very impressive. I think it carries a hidden message, too: “hasn’t gotten laid since the Berlin Wall was torn down” or never, who knows?

So that’s really all I have to say as far as that goes. Also, my posts will be shorter in the days to come. I feel like I’m overloading you right now. Shorter, and less frequent.



Katy Perry – Electric Feel (MGMT cover)


vs. original


April Smith – Terrible Things


Ladytron – Ghosts


I Am X-Ray – Pretty Rave Girl


Oh by the way, guess when I listened to this song?

While I play Diablo 2. Yessssssssss.

On that note, so excited for the third one. Like, you have no idea.


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

-Arthur C. Clark



Listen lemon wedges, I don’t have time to babysit you today. ALL THAT I HAVE TIME FOR IS JFKHKJHDJK.

So I’m very busy. I only have one song for you today.

Midlake – Head Home



80’s Marathon Pt. 2

Part part two two.

Here’s the funny part:

This marathon will never stop.

So, at some random point, you may find a post titled “80’s Marathon Pt.#” and your only reaction should be “oh. okay.”

Part 2.

11. Steve Winwood – Higher Love


12. Robert Palmer – Addicted to Love


13. Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Relax



14. Berlin – Take My Breath Away


15. Stray Cats – Rock This Town


16. J. Geils Band – Centerfold


17. Rick Springfield – Jessie’s Girl


18. Madness – Our House


19. Thompson Twins – Hold Me Now


20. Squeeze – Tempted



“I just want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.”
