Posts tagged ‘Blink-182’


“I Loved You Like Mad”

Super exceptional week for me. Because I bought two – count ’em, two movie posters! And I got the whole Microsoft Office 2010 suite….for 10 dollars…………….legally. Regardless of the few changes made (powerpoint designs and transitions) I’m super duper excited about it. Maybe I’m too not-nerdy to understand what else has changed. But at the same time, I feel nerdy for being this excited over two movie posters and a new way of typing. I’m so confused with what stereotype I am right now.

In other news, I took a little tiny freshman under my wing. He’s just the cutest little thing. I’m shocked every time he swears because I’m just like, “Oh my god he knows what those words mean?!” I shielded his eyes from my anatomy book. I felt like he would lose his innocence.

Being in….my grade…is very liberating. I feel like a snob suddenly, not being at the bottom of the barrel. Rolling up, blasting “Savior” and occasionally shouting “HEY SUP HOW YOU DOING?” to random passerby, rudely refusing to give them time to respond as we speed away. Liberating. Even though the work is already suffocating… And I’m stuck in class while others are soaking up the sweet juices of the last summer days…. I will be resilient. I will go the ice cream place by my school. And, dammit all, I will blast my music like I’m deaf already. Because, fellow reader(s?) I have hope. I have hope that this year will be super bueno. If my spanish skills did not tip you off right there, I’m in honors spanish.

Keep that in mind, ladies and ‘gents. On your darkest days, there will still – and always will be – music.


The Bird and the Bee – Heard it on the Radio


The Church – Under the Milkyway


Peter Bjorn & John – Up Against the Wall


Bloc Party – So Here We Are


Barcelona – Please Don’t Go


Blink-182 – Feeling This



I have a feeling tonight’s sleep will be heavenly, long, and full of MST3K. I dare you to try to turn that into a “that’s what she said” joke. Won’t work.


“Are towels supposed to bend?”
